Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Shop, work, Bob, decorate

That is what i need people to do. Shop!! So today I am home. but in my mind I am working on this to unload!!! Yes moving them along. That means a lot of comp work. A few things have to be mailed and some have to be photographed and sent to a new destination. I am just not feeling good.That darn female thang.
Yesterday Bill and I went to San Dimas to do our bit and found we both were not on our A game.
But the day didn't get started till I got all my morning chores done. That meant I got hit with a deceased chicken. Bob, who really was a girl. So I tried to make funeral arrangements but my mortician was not physically capable of digging. So Bob got put in a bag and then in a box and then in an empty trashcan. I was late making arrangements. Sigh. So today, we work, set up our tree and then bury Bob.

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