Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Yoga Army Dudes

So I purchased this display of green army guys doing yoga. Totally a frivolous buy, but they brought a smile to my face. With so much negativity going on due to election, fire, stupidity etc.. I seem to need some relief. 
So for a few dollars I got this crazy group of guys and they come with a display case. I am sure I will get a weird look from my family and here I am trying to save no make money. 
I am a buyer not seller today.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

In the cornfield...

Yesterday was Christophers birthday and we were having our regular on the fly contractor over. So the goal for them was get the fencing 

completed and they did. At the end, it was a labor of love and although
We got the fencing for free it cost us about $120 to have someone build it with Chris. Which wasn't bad, but in my mind we would do the whole thing for sweat. That' s alright. Now it is complete with swinging entrance and the whole nine yards. 

As for me the shed is an exploration in painting. 
I have never done such a complicated endeavor inside and out. Usually it is an outside surface and I am mindlessly going through the motions. But it is an inside out entire. 
Complete with my array of Ruassian Sage in my Greek olive baskets. We sat on the kids bear picnic table with our contractor and perused the completion of so many projects. 
So today is Sunday and while I will be off the hill delivering furniture with a friend in disgusting Bakersfield, Chris can finally enjoy his handiwork.