Wednesday, June 22, 2016

And so it goes...up

So it went up. I needed the doors or windows, mostly the doors but that is alright. A lot of activity this weekend. Besides two days of building, my neighbors on either side had a flood of activity. Growing, building, doing.... Erick has the limitless garage of goodies and Lee and Kathy have the buildings, doing, making things great bug. 
It is all good and if your contractor and significant other are exhausted from two days of builduiing and are trying to wrap it up. Nothing like a bunch of people over and the dogs to make it more joyous. It is all an occasion for him to adapt. Lol
So the goal is to bring more buckets home and try to get through them too determine what is what. All very time consuming and tiring. But it will get done and it will be great!!
So on to an early morning of doing. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Fab Slab

A slab is a slab, no more no less. But it is a huge progression from an idea to conception. So for all intensive purposes, a shed will got there. Approx 8 by 10 feet, clearly under any permit needing specs. We are going from the the shed on Saturday.
It is the next step in downsizing and moving from being beholden to a shop owner to actually just being self reliant. Success or not... We will see how it goes. So the blog is short the the message is huge.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jesus the gardener

 A little inside joke between the BF and I, Jesus the gardener. Picked this up at a close friend estate sale. It is plastic, three dimensional, metal frame and fabulously kitsch. Everyone need one in their home, I think.
Other items that were purchased was stackable Tupperware shakers harvest colors, aluminum chair with wood slats, numerous pans, crocheted trivets with bottle caps.
They are also fab kitsch but loads of hard work. 
Also pick up 2 keys for clocks, children's book, pie basket, vintage metal Back and Decker tool box
Fun stuff and I am sure there is more I have forgotten. The entire haul was $20 and my time and of coarse there are things I got additionally for our family. 
Got a list of have tons this morning so must be on our way!!