Wednesday, July 30, 2014

All the best people are

We were mad to drive out to Lancaster and rummage in 100 degree weather at the Barn but that wasn't completely it. We then decided to got to Lancaster proper and run around as well. There it was 106.

I picked up some things. At the Barn, I found some New Zealand Sascha Brastoff plates, as well as a Sascha creamer. I also accrued an orange hanging phone. The market makes oddly colored phones a hot ticket. I prefer the black phone, that is my collection. Bought a couple of pieces of McCoy, one for me and one for resale. 3 Great! McDonald's vintage serving trays. One for us and 2 for resale. Fun stuff.

But the worst thing is as sweat was pouring down our brow, the poor elderly fellow with fingers full of large turquoise rings and colorful bandana on ( I think he had pink eye), tried to write a receipt about at least 3 times. Then he was distracted with a phone call. Then he was distracted by technology. Then he moved locations with the receipt writing. Anyhow, the three of us diehards with still a faint amount of politeness left, started to wrap items and Bill scurried them to the truck. I think Linda nearly passed out next to me. She talked about crossing over to the dark side more then once.

After about 20 minutes, we were on our way. He had written the receipt so many times that he forgot to total some items. I walked away with 25 in "stuff". But I felt I had earned it at that point. We clamored into the truck and blasted the AC, putting the Barn in our rear view mirror.

We continued on to Lancaster proper. Stopped at Nancy's Yard Sale.  Acquired a Sheffield Silver Tray and a Stag Bavarian Creamer I have been wanting. Next we found our way to the first of two Goodwills on J Street. Outside of some things for Wes to lounge around in (and he is a lounger this summer), I picked up a Marcello Fantoni leather backed pipe rest from the 1960's.Italian of coarse baby!
Our second Goodwill was epic. I bought so much great stuff I can't even begin to list them. Plus I bought some nifty tops for Wes, Chris and I. I was very pleased and soooooo ready to go home. Outside of stopping at a upholsterer who lacked any sort of personality and business decorum, we got our Starbux and headed back across the great 138 divide.

Haven't really unpacked the truck completely yet, but today is another day!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

A loaded gun and a flavorful cigarette

Yes, definitely!! I have posted this elsewhere before but sometimes you have to revisit the obvious. I just need a loaded gun and a really flavorful cigarette!!! I could say more but I would be in trouble as I always am anyhow. There is another great quote for that but I digress.

Bill and Linda moved out of Ridge Route to start a new adventure with old friends Bruce and Paul. I will be joining them but in a diminished capacity. I am the accessorizer. Sounds like a supervillian. Sad empty front space. Definitely brought a lot to the table the two LaBrecques. Onward and upward.

Tomorrow we have scheduled some shopping insanity out in the desert. Antiques at the Barn off the 138 and I mean way off the 138. They aren't super friendly, it isn't very clean, hint of cats in one room, dusty, windy, hot hot hot! BUT this is what we do, find treasures and they are there to be had. I generally find my own sort of funk and Linda and Bill find a jewel that Bill works his magic on.

Last time I was there I really wanted these pink lockers but they just didn't have enough going for them except that they were pink. But I have my locker door and that will be one of the many artifacts that will find their way to Nipomo. It was a gem, stickers, writing, obnoxious political remarks, offensive language and three million layers of paint, but I LOVE IT!! Although you would love to keep so many things, because I buy things I love, I have to send them on their way. It sounds so ethereal....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

b. moritz accessories & design

So It is complete, the website that is. Getting the legaleeze for the appraising and estate sale components was really the hitch.
The next leg of our enterprise is to get things at the Ridge Route sorted out and then we are on our way at the Merry go Round. No that is not a metaphor for our crazy ways in business but a shop in glamorous downtown Bakersfield. There I am being facetious now. 
Getting the dynamics of all the parts together in sales, buying, researching, etc... is daunting in that the parts are time consuming initially but in the end it can be very streamlined. It becomes a matter of plugging in info. 
 So today outside of dinner with Daisy and Don, I am going to just expound on the existing and set goals for the week. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

E adesso, shopping!

 Been an exhausting few days and part of it was spent off the hill.

To begin I found that our work day at Nipomo was perplexing. Bill and I did our usual revamp of the space especially with that new amazing sideboard. It is a show stopper. Not my thing but beautiful. So that was a very important addition that needed a great spot with just the right items on board.

The frustrating or perplexing thing was the shop itself. It seems in disarray. Granted individuals have their dilemma, but that is separate. The thing for me were the common areas that belong to Dan itself. The head guru for the shop. Apparently the shop is to be managed and moved by his children. Scary...  So our livelihood is dependent on the children. Anyhow, the store seems chaotic.

We have come up with a solution in that Bill, Linda and I help with the areas that are "Dan" designated. Most are in front of the windows of the shop. So Linda posed it but not sure if Dan thinks it is a great idea. We hope we can do this since we would like to earn a day to play or really a day to shop on the coast."E adesso, shopping!!"

On another note, I worked on my web page for hours. Since I have to add the appraising component, it has to be a more serious site and thus I had to move on to a better hosting company with more dynamics for the design end of it. Hours went by in a flash. It is interesting how that happens. All of a sudden it was time to make dinner and do some domestic related things.

BUT it is near completion.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I Miss My Son


I Miss My Son (for Chris)

I miss my son
who use to be
who cared 
about his family

One to show his
feelings openly
He was always there
When I needed him to be

We have been through
so much over the years
Anger, joy and so many

I know I didn't always
do the right thing
was not always good
at mothering

I knew that I could never
go back, and
fix all the wrongs
So I worked very hard
to set a new track

I tried to show you
the sunshine
and hope
and how great life can be
When you take it on so

But when it came your
turn to choose
You chose the path of 
different tales which didn't
include me

But always remember
You can still come
HOME (this is metaphorical)

And so I am sad today.....and I know, I have to wait but I am crying and sad.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

OMG What is this wet stuff?

“I woke to the sound of rain.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Yes it rained for about 45 minutes. It was such an event that neighbors came out and voiced their happiness. The dogs milled around catching it on their fur, happily going to and fro. I found myself outside back and forth to the garage working on this and that enjoying that wet happy smell. 

Everything seemed to perk up a bit. The trampoline got a little washing. No need to do a second watering! The hideous neighbors eternally moving, now have three wet mattresses in the front yard-delightful. But this happiness did not end here, it was contagious in this drought ridden mountain community. Customers at the local mini mart were giddy with happiness and had a spring in their step. They might not even been aware of this.

We went to the LaBrecques for dinner for a belated birthday celebration. Galaske wasn't aware that he was the central focus until gifts began to appear. I think he was touched. He said noone has done such a fuss for him beyond me. This is when you need your mother and his has been gone since 2001. So it was a great evening all around. Alice did join us and it all came together with burgers on the grill. 
Conversation always reverts to mountain crazies and their happenings. I think we covered the man who just kind of stands, jiggles and poop falls out of his pants. Twerking among grandparents, bed bug invested donated mattresses, BB and her eviction plight, parents who died of syphilis, parasites in raspberries and it can go on. Yes we managed to eat anyhow.


WWPD - What Would Pipi Do?

“I have noticed several times that people don't think I know how to behave even when I'm trying as hard as I can.”
Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking

Well maybe...

Today was a quiet day on our little mountain. No sirens, SWAT teams, prescription drug roundups, etc... Not that I know of at least . Most of my neighbors were tooling around acting responsibly. I am still waiting for the backwood tards to clean up the property two doors down.

We estimated between adults and kids that there were 15 people living there, plus a number of dogs. I am talking about a 2 bedroom house! I held my breath as they for months lived like the quintessential white trash renters. I thought the family that owned the property were bad with their trash piles blowing down to my property or the mangled screen that lay out front for 8 months until I could bare it no more. Gods little joke on me, so they rented to the entire cast of Hoarders without the Psych or professional organizers.

These people have been moving for a month, now the pile of mattresses have migrated to another part of the yard and the fridge has vacated. Car parts and unknown hazardous waste are pillars to the eventual haz mat situation.  I heard they were nice people, but to who? The matriarch would wave at me as she drove by and I would just turn my back. Save the wave and pick up a piece of trash on your way in. 

I would see her online trying to find out ways to steal the sage from our forest without getting caught. OK idiot-don't post illegal wants, desires, actions on social media. AND take that energy and clean up that property. I would walk the dog and sneak throwing items away like anti-freeze and such. Clearly if it is on the public side of the fence it is fair game. Calling code compliance crossed my mind more then a dozen times. 

Maybe I am unrealistic but my theory no matter how poor, destitute, depressed, etc... you can be considerate to your neighbors and yourself. What would Pipi Do?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Six impossible things before breakfast

Yes, yes, yes and then some. I would hope!

Working solo today on items that have been sitting in boxes. Forgot some of this inventory. Photo, measure, write description, clean, tag and release to shop. Daunting, tedious but would not have it any other way. That is the business of the business.
We will be looking at a third space to share in Bakersfield and at a newer shop, Merry go Round. Long time friends of Bill and Lindas. I will go on Saturday to scope out digs and the traffic. The traffic is the crux. No traffic means not worth it. So another chapter.

As for the home life, Ian called and he is on his way to getting Stef and his life in a great place. Stef has her new car and independence. They are both chugging along, but the best thing is that he includes me. Not directly, but in the way a mom wants to be. These days are so important when something like that happens. Eventually Chris will come around and want to be a part of his own family or for at least a moment. Still sad about that one but I am working through it-for the most part. I still have bad nights. Sometimes children do not see what they do until they have their own unfortunately.
Galaske has a Friday for him today! Short week. Being 55 now I think he will feel halfway through his life plight. Wait let me put the back of my hand across my forehead as I say that. But I have heard with my own ears that he told his father he is in great shape and will live to 150. I heard it so he can't do the dire life age etc... plight with me.
Wesley is my moral center these days. A lot of discussion about the Malaysian commercial airliner shot down by Russian separatists in Ukraine space. He is such an old soul. He is very interested not only in the event but also interested in the coverage of this news. Running between CNN and Al Gazeera, interesting way to get a balance. Anyhow I am doing the "Let me guide you" moment for my kid:) Life.....

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Eddy says it all

EDDY: You only work in a shop, you know. You can drop the attitude. 

 Edwina's quote is just and true.

Today in Barney Fifeville, I have been on communication silence, just working around the abode on things I have truly neglected. Nothing major but lots of bits that up to a large bit. In addition it was Galaske's 55th  birthday. Got him a Dolce de Leche cake and of coarse his fav pizza. But the great simple productivity was broken up with a quick jaunt into town to post, drop off a desk, Ace hardware and the grocery. Plenty of exposure when you are trying to live the life of a hermit for a bit. 
Of coarse I had my usual malady and now do not own one solitary dryer sheets. The container of 150 bit the dust in a vat of water I was grey watering outside. So much for that. But that seemed to be the worst of it so alas I could end my day with some success. 

As for work, some sales did accrue considering how slow the business is lately. I haven't the foggiest what to do to the desk. It truly is a real lackluster. I had some notion of painting it.
 It resembles this dresser, to the left.
But it could look like this snazzy piece to the right. What to do. Hmmm.